What Kind of Teacher Impresses You?

What kind of teacher impresses you? That’s an interesting question some of us have been trying to answer on a discussion list. I thought it would be interesting to pose it to you. Here are the kinds of teachers who impress me. Who impresses you?

I am impressed with the teacher who from moment to moment, in those small and unnoticed and unremembered acts, engage the students caringly. I am never impressed with people who merely proclaim for all to hear, “I care about students.”

I am more impressed with a teacher who has compassion for and respects the dignity of each student than the teacher who merely loves the subject, for that teacher recognizes that nothing is more important than strengthing the spirit within each student, nothing is stronger than the spirit within each student to overcome whatever hurdle we face.

I am impressed with the teacher who is far more than merely cerebral.

I am impressed with the teacher who teaches quietly and well, who realizes that the quieter the teaching the more the classroom resounds. I am impressed with the teacher whose faith in the potential of each student, in the face of everything seemingly to the contrary, remains whole, remains total, and remains complete.

I am impressed with the teacher who will not sit idly by and watch the degradation and denigration and diminunization of a student.

I am really impressed with a teacher who believes that an education is something that inspires students to risk doing, not something that is done to students.

I am impressed with a teacher who punches his or her ticket more as a person than a professional.

I am pressed with these teachers because I know that if we teachers succeed in sharing our love for the students, if we succeed in sharing our belief in them, if we succeed in sharing our love of learning, if we can be the sparks of faith, excitement, and curiosity, the flame will be kindled and the fire soon will be ablaze and the learning will surely follow.

Make it a good day.


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